If you run or own a restaurant and you’recontemplating or use athird-party app like DoorDash, GrubHuborUberEats then you’repotentially losing thousands of dollars a year, by giving your profits and customer data to someone else.
Your customer, yes, your customer orders food from your menu, but on a third-party digital platform. Often your menu’s pricing is adjusted and increasedwithout your customer realizing.
Then they deduct 10% – 15%in delivery and service charge fees and take20% – 30% in commissions. Then, they continue to take these feeson every order that they process through their platform for the rest of forever…
You MUST give this serious thoughtit’s not that we have a better mouse trap, but because many of the restaurants we have dealt with for many years, could not and would not follow their requirements. Why pay for a customer?
You have been through shutdowns, huge current shortages, and on-going price increases.And as we monitor current trends through the Food Establishment Ownersand the Food Suppliers we work with, we see:
- Marketing Trends that Change Daily.
- Marketing Costs going through the roof.
- National Apps and Tech Companies moving into Rural Areas.
- Local Businesses being unable to offer the deals they used to offer.
- The same businesses committing to tech companies in a new trending marketplace.
But we do see 3 options here:
You can keep paying these tech companies30%+of every online order as a “thank you” for taking all your profits and customer data.
You can pay a quality web developer $1500-$3000 to build your own direct online ordering portal.Then you’ll pay monthly maintenance and upgrading fees. You can get it integrated with your POS or printer stations in the kitchen. You can hire your own delivery drivers and the expensive insurance that comes along with them. You can hire a marketing company to do SEO for your new ordering portal so that customers will findyou and order. And as these orders grow and you build a list, you can hire another marketing company to start sending out automated emails to your list to help you drive repeat business.
We’ve already developed a premium website at It took us a considerable amount of time and development as after 26 years of LOCAL marketing we knew the solution to the problem was the word LOCAL.
Over 15,000 LOCALShave registered into the GROUCHERZ family over the past years, and they tell us what they want. FOOD deals and more FOOD deals are the very most requested.
So, when we analyzed how we could integrate discounts to attract buyers but at the same time ensure you the Restaurant had a winning marketing plan that turned PROFIT, it was a tough order. We had the marketing aspect now in a digital format, but selling change is not easy.
We investigatedthe CHANGES, CONSand the COSTSthat the DoorDash, GrubHub and UberEatswebsites displayed, and we used their statsto produce these FACTUAL RESULTS:
The bottom line is that for every $50food order from Doordash:
Your costs are $56.00with $37.50paid back to you. That’s a 33% LOSS. That’s a $18.50 LOSSfor every $50order
When we looked further to a $50ticket with Grubhub:
Your costs are $58.33with $33.17paid back to you. That’s a 43% LOSS. That’s a $25.16 LOSSfor every $50order.
They offer no incentives to use your restaurant, neither do they offer anyLOCAL marketing plan as buyers must have THEIR app. We believe, as most restauranters do, that marketing to LOCALS is the backbone of your business. The problem being that Marketing Costs are no-longer within financial reach to many.
So, at Groucherz, we offer you a huge Targeted Marketing plan to your potential LOCAL buyers with zero up-front costs, and if we fail to drive profitable business your way, you still retain the marketing planfor FREE.
Need more information?
(928) 605-5665・・・(928) 486-5189
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